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- Wylder, Penny
Big Man’s Claim Page 4
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Page 4
“Well, what do you like to do?”
“What do you mean?” I ask, carefully climbing over a fallen tree.
“For fun. What do you like to do for fun?”
Shrugging my shoulder, I say, “I don't know. I like hiking, camping, riding my horses. Being outside really, that makes me happy the most.”
“I've never been on a horse before.” He quickly holds out his hand and grabs my shoulder. “Hold on. You see that?”
Stopping, there's a thin, rocky stretch of terrain in front of us. I fumble with my walking stick a little as I debate the best way for me to navigate it.
Bran pulls his pack off and drops down to his knees. “Climb on,” he says.
“What? No, you don't have to carry me.”
“Just climb on. I'm not going to risk you losing your balance here.”
“Are you sure?” I ask. He looks back at me over his shoulder, his eyes serious. “All right, then.”
Climbing onto his back, I have my stick in one hand and he passes me the strap to hold his pack in my other hand.
With ease, he climbs around the rocks, not even affected by my weight on his back. Reaching the other side, he carefully sets me back down.
“See, easy as pie.”
Glancing around, my jaw drops open. “Isn't this about where you found me? I recognize that tree right there with the giant knot.”
“Yeah, I think it is.”
“The water's gone down a lot since yesterday.”
“That's the thing with these types of floods from really heavy rain; here today gone tomorrow. We had that huge storm a few days ago, that's why the river was so wild.”
Inching myself closer to the water, it's so much more calm, almost as smooth as glass. Looking around, I scan the bank and the edge of the water.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Looking for my stuff. It should be around here. I'm hoping the water is down enough for me to see it.”
Buttercup takes the opportunity to have a long drink as Bran comes to my side and helps me search. “I don't see it. But you might have lost it a little further back. Do you remember where you went in?”
“Yeah, right at the curve of the gorge.”
“Let's keep moving and we'll look as we go. If it's not under water anymore, we should be able to see it. But this water is still pretty deep, who knows how far down you got dragged.”
“I can't even tell you. All of it happened so fast.”
He rests his hand on the small of my back. “We'll keep looking, but we don't want to get stuck out here another night. These woods aren't exactly safe without the right protection.”
“You have your gun.”
“But I don't have enough food and water to last us till tomorrow. And I really don't want to have to use my gun unless it's necessary.”
We press on, moving a lot slower because of my stupid ankle. It still hurts like hell, but he's right, I don't want to get stuck out here another night. Although I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the idea of being trapped with him again.
He kept me warm, safe, and made my body sing as he fucked me. It was the perfect ending to a really shitty day. One that I'd happily replay over and over again because it felt so damn good.
“So you and your brother are close, I take it?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. I mean, we're all each other has. . .” Pausing, my voice drops a little lower. “Well, we were. He's married now and has a baby on the way.”
“That's good, you're going to be an aunt.”
“Sure, it's exciting.”
“Doesn't sound like you think it's exciting.”
Glancing up at him, I thin my lips. “It is, it's just weird, is all. For the longest time it was just us, and now it's not. It makes me wonder where I fit in.”
“Yeah, I can see how a major change like that could be hard on you, even if it's a happy change.” Bran pushes some long branches out of my way and helps me hobble through the thin path. “I know it doesn't mean much coming from me, but I heard about your parents, and I'm sorry.”
Small town, of course he knows my parents are dead. He probably knows more about my life than I do about his. My father was a man who knew everyone, who talked to everyone, who shared his life with everyone. He could make lifelong friends with a complete stranger.
“Thanks,” I say. “It was hard at first, but now I just feel like I don't belong. I went from having a path and a purpose to being completely vacant of any future.”
“You have a future; you just need to figure it out. And you will. Sometimes what we want in life doesn't always show up right away.” He smiles, letting his eyes fix on mine for a second before darting off to look at the water. “Hey, check it out.” Pointing at the water, he stops me.
Following his finger, I see the top edge of my pack poking out of the water. A bright smile forms on my face as I sigh in relief.
“Thank God. Now the question is, how do we get it?”
“Easy,” he says, pulling his boots off his feet and unbuttoning his pants. “I'll go in and get it.”
“You're kidding, right?”
Dropping his pants to his ankles, he's naked from the waist down. Yanking his shirt over his head, he balls it up and places it on his bag.
Seeing him in the light like this makes me swallow hard. My eyes move over his chest and down his solid wall of abs. The muscles ripple and bulge as he stretches his arms like he's about to dive in headfirst.
I'm trying not to look at his waist, but my eyes keep jumping all over the place until they finally land on his shaft. His dick is thick and long, with a dark patch of hair around the base. His thighs are as muscular as the rest of him, and his ass is firm and round.
Every inch of my body fills with desire as the sun hits his skin making him glisten like a Greek god. My nipples harden, scraping the inside of my bra, and I grow wet, dampening my panties.
“Here I go,” he says, wading into the water. Clenching his ass tight, he lets out a loud hoot. “Woo! That's cold.” Buttercup takes his cries as an invitation, and splashes in the water after him.
“I bet.” Crossing my legs to ease the ache, I wrap my arms around my chest. I'm ready to jump him again right here, finishing what we started this morning.
He holds his hands up as he pushes in further, Buttercup paddling beside him, until he's close enough to reach out and grab the top of my pack. Dragging it behind him, he climbs back onto the bank and drops the soaking wet bag at my feet. Buttercup shakes himself off sending droplets of icy water over the both of us. We hold up our hands laughing, protecting ourselves from his assault.
Taking a towel out of his bag, he dries himself and puts his clothes back on. “You're one lucky girl. That thing could have been swept away forever.”
“I am. I really am lucky, I guess.” My eyes hood, and I nibble my bottom lip as he slips his shirt over his head.
Smiling, he dips his head into his chest shyly. “All right, let's get you home. I'm still worried about that ankle. If it's broken, you don't want to wait too long or it might be messed up forever.”
Buttercup is doing laps around us, chasing a rogue squirrel here and there up the trees as if he'll ever actually catch one. He nuzzles up to me, then moves to Bran, taking a quick pet from both of us.
Morning turns to afternoon and before I know it, the sun is hovering just above the horizon. We're close to my truck, but my ankle is really making this hike slow. He gives me a piggyback ride over the tough ground and hard areas of the trail, never once complaining about it. He's happy to do it, always being careful and cautious not to hurt me more.
A ray from the sun bounces off the hood of my truck, shining like a bright beacon at night.
“There it is,” I say excitedly.
We get to the vehicle and I take my keys out of my pack to unlock the door. I'm about to climb in, when he stops me.
“How about I drive us over to my truck,
give you a little time to rest?”
“Sure, we can do that.” Sliding over to the passenger side, Bran puts my stuff in the bed and Buttercup climbs in the back with it.
Bran starts the truck and drives a couple miles up the dirt road to where he's parked. He puts the gear shift in park, and lets the truck idle as he stares at the wheel. He looks like he wants to say something, but he's not sure how.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Nothing, it's nothing.” Clenching the steering wheel, he rolls his hands back and forth. “I want to follow you out and into town. I want to make sure you get there safe.”
“I'll be fine, really. It's not that bad. I can drive.”
“Just let me follow you. It'll make me feel better to know you got home safe.”
“All right, you can follow me.” Opening my door, I climb down gently. “Buttercup, come on.” He jumps from the back and into the passenger seat.
Walking to the driver's side, Bran hesitates briefly before stepping out of the way. His eyes are on mine, big and bold. Moving his gaze around my face, he suddenly scoops my face into his hands and kisses me.
With crushing force, his mouth devours mine, kissing me deep and hard. Sweeping his tongue into my mouth, he tips my head, giving him better access. And I kiss back.
His lips are passionate and forceful, searing this moment in my mind. And then he's gone. His mouth breaks away as if this kiss wasn't just a kiss but a goodbye.
Taking a long step around me, he gets into his jeep and starts it up. I'm left breathless, trying to ground myself and tether my heart back inside my chest.
I can't breathe. He left me gasping for air and wondering how the hell I can feel this way from just a kiss.
It was just a kiss.
Wasn't it?
Still there.
I keep looking in my rear-view mirror to see if Bran is still behind me. He is, keeping close as we cruise down the road. Not walking has made my ankle throb a little less, but not by much.
I promised Bran I wouldn't be alone until I could get myself checked out. The knot is still on my head, but it isn't bleeding anymore. It's my ankle that he's worried about the most. The farm is the best place for me to recuperate.
Turning on my blinker, I pull into the driveway. Bran slows down at the entrance, his eyes lingering on mine for a long second. My heart starts to beat a little faster and my breathing slows as we stare at each other.
Giving me a light wave, Bran hits the gas and drives off. A wave of sadness washes over me as I watch his taillights disappear. I miss him. It's strange and weird, but I actually miss him.
Parking my truck up near the house, Ryder opens the door and smiles.
“Hey, stranger, you're a day early,” he says, walking to my door. His eyes widen as he sees my dirty clothes and scraped up skin. “What the hell happened to you?”
Ryder opens my door, and I carefully step out. “It's a long story.”
He looks me up and down, his eyes firmly setting on my ankle. “You're hurt, Mel. You're hurt really bad.” Looking up at the house, he calls out to Jenna, “Hey, hold the door open!” He sweeps me off my feet and carries me into the house. Buttercup nearly knocks him over as he runs straight through door to his food dish.
“I'm fine, Ryder, really.”
“You're not fine. Look at the size of your ankle. We need to get you to a doctor.”
“Ryder, stop, you're being insane right now. I'm all right.”
“You're going to the doctor,” he snaps as he sits me in one of the kitchen chairs.
“If it's still swollen tomorrow, then I'll go. I can move it. I know it's not broken or anything.”
“You don't know that. Are you a doctor?”
Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. I'm not arguing with him about this. I'll go tomorrow if it doesn't feel any better. But for tonight, I just need my bed.
Jenna comes out of the bathroom with the first aid kit and sets it down on the kitchen table. “You really did a number to yourself, huh?”
“Yeah, my trip didn't exactly go as I imagined it would.”
Ryder lifts my foot gently into his lap, and carefully pulls off my unlaced boot. “So, spill it already. What the hell happened?”
As Jenna feeds Buttercup and Ryder cleans my head wound, I tell them everything that happened. Well, almost everything. . . I tell them about the unusually high water and washing machine style rapids that sucked me in. I tell them how I lost my pack and hit my head. And reluctantly, I tell them about Branson, everything but the dirty sex. That part is just for me and Bran.
Ryder and Jenna glance at each other. It's quick, but I see it the second I say his name.
“What?” I ask, looking between them. “What was that look for?”
“Nothing, don't worry about it. I'm just really glad he was there to help you. I don't know what I'd do if something ever happened to you.”
“Tell me what it is. You can't look at each other like that and not tell me. What do you know about him?”
Jenna starts to pick up the kit, keeping her eyes down. “It's nothing, Mel, just rumors. You know how that works around here.”
“Please,” I beg, laying my head back as I groan. “Will somebody please just tell me? I mean, I think I have the right to know, the guy did just save my life.”
“Fine,” Ryder groans. “Supposedly, Branson is a loner, like an extreme loner, who hates people. From what I heard he had a child and a wife, but he left them. He's a deadbeat, a guy who doesn't want anything to do with his kid or estranged wife.”
My jaw hangs open, eyes wide. He never mentioned anything about having a child. Actually, the more I think about it, he didn't say much at all about his personal life. I was the one who spilled my guts.
“He never mentioned any of that. He was really nice to me.” My voice is quiet and weak. I don't want to sound hurt, but I know my brother can sense something.
“Stay away from him, Mel. He's not sane, there's something wrong with a guy who walks away from their kid. I don't want you near him.”
“I literally just met the guy and you're acting like I'm going to run off with him.”
My brother's eyes zero in on mine. “Stay away from him.” The tone of his voice sparks a nerve. I know he's looking out for me, but he doesn't need to talk to me like I can't make my own decisions.
“You can't tell me what to do. I'm eighteen. I'm an adult now. I can do whatever the hell I want.”
Jenna rests her hand on my shoulder, chiming in. “You don't want a guy like him anyway. He's a hermit, Mel. An angry, people hating hermit. Maryanne refers to him as the town Grinch.” She giggles, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “But I'm glad he was there to rescue you. He did a good thing.” Her eyes flare as she glances at my brother, warning him to knock it off. The argument Ryder and I are about to have fizzles out with her glare.
Something inside me shatters. The person they're describing is not the man I met in the woods. To think of him as a child abandoning asshole hurts my heart. I know it sounds crazy. I don't know him at all. He's still a stranger to me, obviously. But the night we shared together can’t be ignored. It may have been just sex, but I felt like I knew him.
The butterflies I felt were his. The tingles and chills were his. The flutter in my chest and warmth on my skin were all his. And now I don't know what to think.
I felt like there was something between us. I felt deep inside that we shared something special. My mind let me think that maybe, just maybe, our night would unfold into something more.
It's a lie. All of it is a lie.
Branson James is not the man I thought he was.
My eyes fall to my hands in my lap as my body rolls forward. “I'm going to take a bath,” I say, using the table to stand.
Ryder jumps from his chair, holding his arms out like I'm a baby learning to walk.
“I got it, Ryder,” I snap. He gives me a look but steps out of the way to
let me pass.
I can't explain this to him. He'll never understand. And he'll probably try to go find the guy and ring his neck. Ryder will think he took advantage of me. That it wasn't me who threw myself at him, but the other way around.
I can feel both of them watching me as I hobble to the stairs and climb them slowly one at a time. Looking over my shoulder, Ryder is standing at the bottom.
“I'm just here in case you lose your balance.”
Rolling my eyes, I don't say a word to him as I reach the top and head to my room for some clean clothes. Bundling them up under my arm, I limp to the bathroom. Starting the water, I wait until it's steamy and hot, then start filling the tub.
A nice bath will do the trick.
Slipping into the water, I let my leg with the bandage hang over the side. Resting my head back, I close my eyes, and try to relax. But I can't. All I can think about is Branson.
His face pops up in my mind’s eye, flashing that big, gorgeous smile and perfectly chiseled jaw. I can still feel his hands on my body, and the heat of his lips against mine.
My fingers lightly touch my mouth, reliving the night all over again. My skin burns like fire as the memory plays like a movie.
His fingers digging into my hair and yanking my head back. I can feel it.
Raking my fingers through my hair, my head rolls on my shoulders reflexively. Slowly, the tips of my fingers slip down my neck and over my chest, finding my stiff nipple.
His tongue flicking against the perk bead and sucking my breast into his mouth. I can feel it.
Pinching my nipple, I bite my bottom lip, doing my best to contain the moan that wants out. I don't let it. I'm quiet, inhaling a slow breath. My fingers keep gliding, over my naval and through my lips until I hit my clit.
His thumb pressing against the needy button as he inserts a finger inside my heat. I can feel it.
Every single way he touched me, caressed me, and devoured me, I can still feel it all.
I slide a finger inside my folds and rock my hips. Fingering myself is the only way to end the desire pooling between my legs and the throb in my center.